In this video I show a preview of my book “The Sky
is Heaven”
You can find more information about this book in the
link below:
You can also see my other posts and books in the index
In this video I show a preview of my book “The Sky
is Heaven”
You can find more information about this book in the
link below:
You can also see my other posts and books in the index
The Sky is Heaven
(William Menezes Freitas)
Right up in the clouds there is a spiritual place so
heavenly that is beyond our imagination.
There dwell very good people that helps humanity in
the most various forms, there are diversity of ways they help people but most
of them are hints and hidden ways to make sure that the people learn his ways
without noticing the actions of them.
There are many sectors and divisions but this book
focused on one of the most simple and also the most awesome and effective way
they help people: By inspiring them to be better from histories that focused on
learning virtues values and the importance of being nice to each other and many
of things that helps people grow better.
The group is called “The Sectors” because is formed by
three people and one secretary.
The name of this awesome place is “The Sky is Heaven”
because is right up in the sky beyond the clouds in a heavenly dimension right
next to the World.
So I invite you all to join me in this book as I tell
the history of this Great Place named “The Sky is Heaven”.
Chapter 1: The Sectors
Chapter 2: María and “The Tales”
Chapter 3: Savanah, The First Reunion
Chapter 4: Michael First History:
A Heavenly Face Starts by a Single Act of Love
Chapter 5: Angus First History:
A Life Starts When the First Pulse Talks
Chapter 6: Radah First History:
Never a Clock Meant to Be
Chapter 7: María History:
The Force of The Mirror
Chapter 8: The Visit at “The Tales”:
Stronger Bond of Friendship
The Meaning Behind a History
About This Book
About The Author
Excert 1:
From Chapter 5:
A Life Starts When the First Pulse Talks as Time Flows
Different for Each Heart
So long ago before time even existed there was a
single Planet called Mirene where lived a pretty good daughter of the Chief in
She was called Mirella as meant The Daughter of Mirene
(The Planet)
The Humans there were meant to be good people since
almost nothing existed in the void besides Planet Mirene.
Now starts a very singular historie that were told in
almost all “rincón” of the Universes.
Mirella had a cousin Daisir and they grow up playing
In Mirene people were very friendly and it is normal
for children and adults to get along.
The Father of Mirella gave her a small ball that
smells a little ugly but looked very beautiful and the Mother of Daisir gave
him a little ball that smells beautiful but looked a little ugly and shy.
They all said the same thing: One day you will have to
make a choice that could change The Destiny itself.
Mirella and Daisir showed to one another their
respective balls and decided to exchange them.
So Mirella got the little ugly and shy ball and Daisir
got that one that smells a little ugly.
The two were very happy with the exchange since their
parents seemed to be inverted their preferences.
As they were growing they kept their balls a secret
from everyone except them and didn’t tell their parents about the exchange.
They didn’t have the intention of hiding that but they
seemed to think that their parents already knew since the balls match the
preferences of the other.
Mirella and Daisir thought that the exchange was the
goal of their parents in order to Daisir and Mirella be more connected.
So when they grow up they discover the reason they
received that balls and why they had to keep them a secret except from Mirella
and her Father and Daisir and his Mother.
In fact Kádia (Mother of Daisir) and Ordos (Father of
Mirella) were siblings and they decided to give the balls to their children.
As seemed these balls would be responsible for
creating the First Universe and the Flow of Time.
So Mirella and Daisir must go to the Altar in the
ruins with no other person and put their respective balls in the two spaces
reserved for them.
Excert 2:
From Chapter 7
The Force of The Mirror
Austro is a good person, not a good boy but a good
person because he is an adult is his mind but still a boy in his age.
He spends his days studying and learning all sort of
things, interesting things.
Languages, mathematics, games, poetry, how to compose
histories, how to preach to people, leadership, motivational discourse,
management, marketing, space and so on but he never have time to play like a
normal child, also when he hears the word “play” he immediately associate it
with guitar, piano and all kind of instruments he can play and also the play
button of video classes he watches.
He does a lot of self-study.
Someday a strange girl called Lalinda gave him a
surprise present saying that she is someone dear to him and someday he will
understand the reason she gave him that.
When he putted that mirror he immediately notice that
was no ordinary mirror because it showed him but in an adult form just like his
mind and even better it reflected his intelligence and soon he noticed that
everything he learned his adult reflection looked better. (it won’t age, it
fixed at 32 years but still reflected his grow in intelligence).
It passed two more years and he didn’t see Lalinda,
she was a very beautiful girl, a unique person so he also gave her a mirror
that was much treasured for her.
Austro didn’t saw her these two years because she went
back to her father smiling and gave him the mirror.
That mirror worked inverse of the other, it reflected
the mental age of Lalinda’s Father, a child one and also reflected how more
childish his father becomes when he was with her.
But the age was fixed (12 years old) the age Austro
had when gave Lalinda the mirror.
Since two years passed Austro now has 14 years and the
father of Lalinda 34 years respectively in their time.
But the two mirrors didn’t age a day, Austro one
always shows 32 years old and Lalinda’s Father one always shows 12.
Soon they started to become sad and when a drop falls
from their eyes they both fall asleep and in a dream seemed like a dark space
they both see one another and both mirrors.
Lalinda then appears and say:
-Let’s exchange back the mirrors for this time Father.
-We are in a dream anyway!
They both replied:
-Yeah, it is only a dream anyway.
Fausto looked first at the mirror he gave Lalinda and
it showed a child of 12 years old smiling.
Then Fausto said:
-Well this must work inverse as mine, her father must
have a child mind but this reflection looks exactly how I was when I gave the
Then Lalinda’s Father looked at Austro/Fausto mirror
and it looked just like when he had 32 years old and also reflected his great
intellect and soon he realizes the situation.
Lalinda’s Father said to Fausto:
-Austro, why you still going by Fausto?
-Didn’t you realize yet?
Austro said:
-Realize what?
Lalinda’s Father said:
-Come with me and let’s take a look at the mirror you
gave Lalinda...
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