Thursday, January 28, 2021



Here is the English-Français version of my latest book

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Below the excerts


Look forward to keep a friendship and trustful relationship with the spiritual being that you believe.

By doing that, if you see her accusing you, punishing you or making something bad for you, you will know that is not her but a fake.

In Christian mythology the favorite disguise of Satan is showing himself as the God or Saint that the person believes

The technique to unmask him is by denying everything he says, disagreed etc.

If you are afraid of your God, not being his friend but a mere servant, you would not have enough courage to tempt someone that appears to you as him to deceive you, because it is written: “you shall not tempt the God, your Lord”, and the enemy knows that. This written instruction was cause of many people getting deceived along the centuries.

But if you disagree or provoke him even risking be your true God and not a fake one, The Satan will get angry, and will try to say something like that: How dare you try to temp the God your Lord?, in other terms, he will threat you demonstrating hate and if your real God is really your friend, he will never do those kind of things, he will be always talk with kindness to you, don’t getting angry, being patience etc. And as you are in complete sync with him, he will know all your thoughts , plans and intentions so if is him and not a falsary, you will know that you want to risk being deceive.

The Young Virgin Mary made an test to see if the angel was from God or from Devil: How it will supposed to happen if I do not know any man? Virgin Mary promised God many years before that she will never have the dirty relationship, so if the angel were from God he will surely know this, so the angel gave her the answer that she was expecting. But if had given other answer forcing her to break her vow, the angel would surely being sent from evil.

This example is valid for any religion just switch the name Satan for the enemy of your God.



Peu importe, tu peux suivre ou adorer n’importe quel Dieu ou religion, ce qui importe, c’est que tu te sentes bien à ce sujet, c’est-à-dire que ce n’est pas pour toi à cause de l’oppression, des querelles, des troubles, ou plutôt qu’il ne te cause pas de sentiments maléfiques.

Beaucoup prêchent que seul leur Dieu est le chemin du salut, c’est la tromperie pure.

Le divin est en chacun, c’est-à-dire faire de bonnes choses, s’abstenir de mauvais sentiments, toujours pardonner, être honnête, ne pas enlever ce qui ne vous appartient pas, profiter de la vie et la nature ...

Quoi qu’il en soit, tu as ton façon, il suffit de suivre les bonnes lignes directrices, peu importe si tu es chrétien, musulman, sorcière, spirite, taoïste, hindouiste ou créé to propre croyance ...

L’important est d’éveiller le divin en vous et d’agir selon ce guide intérieur.


The Italic in english excert is because that paragraph does not appears in the other language versions of the book 

 Here is the Description


 This book aims to be a guide of wisdom and spirituality, in order to help you achieve peace of mind and avoid that you make mistakes that you would regret, or even help you to live better. You can perceive this intention by the selection of chapters and reflections that are more needed nowadays, many of them are ancient wisdom but most people in this planet has forgotten.

Why You Should Not Even Think Of Suicide Yourself?

Why You Should Not Be Afraid Of What Is Called “ Final Judgment”?

Why You Should Always Forgive?

Why Is Not Convenient To You To Keep Negative Feelings?

But If You Think That You Cannot Live Without Keeping Bad Feelings?

How To Avoid Getting Slave Of The Money?

How To Avoid Getting Slave Of The Eating?

How To Avoid Getting Anger?

What God Should I Serve? Or What Religion Should I Follow?

Why Even In A Sad Situation There Is No Reason For You To Have Sadness?

What To Do If You Are Getting Tortured By Spirits?

What You Must Do If You Are Tortured By Demons/Devil?

Why Is More Convenient Do Not Believe In Concepts Like Sin, Hell, Devil , Evil, Guilty And Remorse?

Why You Shall Not Be Afraid Of The God That You Believe?

Why You Shouldn’t Believe In Concepts Like Divine Law And Divine Justice?

Be Conscious Of The Power Of The Faith

Always Live By The Truth

Expose The Feelings Honestly Is Not Incompatible With Do The Good Things

Aclaration Note





Ce livre se veut un guide de sagesse et de spiritualité, afin de te aider à atteindre la tranquillité d’esprit et de te empêcher de faire des erreurs que vous regretterais, ou même de te aider à mieux vivre. Tu lecteur peux percevoir cette intention par la sélection minutieuse des sujets les plus nécessaires et des réflexions d’aujourd’hui, dont beaucoup sont la sagesse ancienne souvent négligée par la grande majorité des habitants de ce plan. 

But Du Livre

Pourquoi Même Face À Des Souffrances Insupportables Ne Devrais-Toi Jamais Envisager De Tuer Ti Proprio ?

Pourquoi Ne Devrais-Tu Pas T’inquiéter Du So Appelé Jugement Final ?

Pourquoi Devrais-Tu Toujours Pardonner ?

Pourquoi N’est-Il Pas Commode Pour Toi De Garder Des Sentiments Négatifs?

Mais Que Faire Si Tu Pense Que Tu Ne Peux Pas Éviter De Garder Les Sentiments Maléfiques?

Comment Éviter L’avarice?

Comment Éviter La Gourmandise?

Comment Éviter La Colère?

Quel Dieu Devrais-Je Adorer ? Ou Quelle Religion Devrais-Je Suivre?

Pourquoi Même Face À De Tristes Faits, Il N’y A Aucune Raison D’avoir De La Tristesse?

Que Faire Si Tu Es Tourmenté Par Les Esprits?

Que Faire Si Tu Es Tourmenté Par Le Démon/Démonisme?

Pourquoi Est-Il Plus Commode De Ne Pas Croire En Des Concepts Tels Que Le Péché, L’enfer, Le Diable, La Méchanceté, La Culpabilité Et Le Remords?

Pourquoi Ne Devrais-Tu Pas Craindre Le Dieu En Qui Tu Crois ?

Pourquoi Ne Devrais-Toi Pas Croire En Des Concepts Tels Que La Loi Divine Et La Justice Divine ?

Sois Conscient Du Pouvoir De La Foi

Toujours Vivre Selon La Vérité

Exposer Les Sentiments Honnêtement, Même Le Mal N’est Pas Incompatif De Faire Du Bien

Clarification Note

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