Monday, February 15, 2021



In brazilian portuguese, I like to read classics like that ones, since is classic, the language is well written, very formal and sometimes has a little dictionary on each page with the meaning of some uncommon words.

Of course I also like classic english tales.

I also love english children's books like these ones

I also like recent fantasy-romance tales, I strongly recommend you beautiful creators saga, I have all four books and also the bluray movie. Fallen Saga is also good and I have the DVD also.

More classics in brazilian portuguese, when I say classics I mean in formal portuguese as in grammar.

The character guide of tsubasa chronicles, I like very much this story.

And of course my own books, I buy each one of them, because part of being an author is the satisfaction of have my own exemplar of each one of my books.

And I have been a subscriber of this free magazine by 10 years, since 2010

So now you know what I like to read, it is time to you decide what you like to read. And remember reading is a passion not a sacrifice so you should only read what you really like not what other tell you to read, because each one of us has it own preferences and like different things.

Reconstruindo Sonhos (Um Início)

  O Simulador do Céu   Em um local do Céu encontra-se um espaço semelhante a uma garagem. É um espaço mui especial pois nele ocorre o ...