Thursday, March 31, 2022

Mais uma Bela Canção

 Baby I Love You

Tiffany Alvord


see the video on youtube

Obs. Playback is disabled so you need to watch it direct on youtube


Back in the time when I was learning English, I liked to watch cover music videos in order to better understand the songs, so I listened to Connie Talbot, Megan Nicole, Tiffany Alvord , Boyce Avenue...

This song is an original of Tiffany Alvord from that time, the first time I watch this musicvideo, I found this song so beautiful that I repeated several times on vlc/media player classic...

Today I was watching it again and remember that time and how my English improved since then, so I decided to share the song with you.

Textos Meus do Tempo de Escola

  Olá todos vós hei recentemente encontrado uns textos meus do tempo de escola (ensino médio) bem como os vários bilhetinhos e cartinhas das...