Sunday, May 2, 2021




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In “The Golden Forest Second Part” continues the saga of Walas and Lina, starts with the epilogue, a resume of the mains facts of the first book and the prequel, after that it continues the dimension 11 that in the first part they were heading towards the center of space and continue the remaining 7 dimensions, completing the 18 dimensions of Golden Forest.

After the dimension 18, I tell their arrival at the core of the Golden Forest and how they save it and it is the final of the history of romantic fantasy of Lina and Walas, the case of Larila is also revealed and in the final are expressed mentions of facts of the prequel

And after the history there are also my final consideration in which I explained what I am trying to pass with this history and also the reason of using “thou” and “ye” instead of “you” in it. Mainly because I want to make clear to English readers when I use “tu” and when I use “vós” in the Portuguese original version.



Chapter 1 Satu, the Space Dimension (11)

Chapter 2 Tecno, The Dimension of Technology (12)

Chapter 3 Reflection, The Dimension of Mirrors (13)

Chapter 4 Vero, The Dimension of the Truth (14)

Chapter 5 The Rise of the Black Bird, The Dimension of the Awakening (15)

Chapter 6 Mare, The Dimension of Waters (16)

Chapter 7 Dark, The Dimension of the Emptiness of Darkness (17)

Chapter 8 Demolition, The Dimension of the Destruction (18)

Chapter 9 The Arrival at the Golden Forest (Core)

Final Considerations

About the Author



Chapter 5 The Rise of the Black Bird, The Dimension of the Awakening (15)


At their arrival, Larila receives them and tells that this dimension of the awakening, where Walas shall wake his powers of Black Bird, but the phrase must be told inside a dream in the conscious of Walas, not from the outside.

So Walas agrees to sleep, meanwhile Lina and Larila hold hands and also one of the hands of Walas while say: - “Search and Find me”.

Walas inside the dream must recognize Lina and Larila inside, but he does not know that they will have another appearance (they won’t look as usual, they will be disguised) because it is a part of his trial.

Reconstruindo Sonhos (Um Início)

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