Sunday, July 25, 2021

About My Experience as Independent Author on KDP

Hi everyone, I just made some videos about my experience on kdp, in these I talk about some things related to the plataform and tips to advertising yourself the books (just like I am doing with the blog/videos etc) without have to paying adverstising. 

I am also talk about me and my books, showing some of them

The videos are divided in languages, even if I made different videos for each language does not mean that all have the same content, I recommend you watch all of them because I talk different things as long as book I show are different and the videos are recorded after so if I forget something I explain in the other language videos etc.


click here to watch it on youtube



click here to watch this video on youtube




click here to see the video on youtube



 mira el video en youtube



 clica aqui para veres o video no youtube

So now are complete the five languages, I am sorry for my speaking is not so good since I start to talk spontaneous recently, so I am still adjusting me to that. And also I practice more reading and listening and also writing , I don't practice speaking very much.

Well many thanks for watching the video and I desire for you good luck in publishing on kdp and for me is a dream come true have my books published and in paperback with me.

I also want to say thanks to all my readers, we have at the time 5955 acesses since the beginning of blog in december 2020 until today july 26, 2021.

Thanks for the support all around the world and It is really cool to know that so many people notice my work.

Reconstruindo Sonhos (Um Início)

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