Saturday, July 31, 2021

Find You Water on My Knees


Find You Water on My Knees

see the video on youtube


 I decided to do again also the old style videos of my channel youtube and here is one video that I just made with pictures and Christian songs.
First I want to thank my friend Jesus The God for my life and also for the pictures displayed on this video since they came to me around 10 years ago by Jesus will. (I also wanna thank also the person who took that photos, that is currently unknown for me.)
Second I want to thank Ana Laura and Kari Jobe for these incredible songs that I love so much.
Actually I have the physical cds of these songs: “Ana Laura” and “Kari Jobe Where I Found You”.
You can support the artists buying their physical cds at your gospel cds store.
Or you can listen the songs on spotify or see their videos on their official youtube channels.
But I strongly recommend the physical cds because they have the lyrics and the “encarte” are very beautiful.
Please look more inner divine content here on the blog!

Reconstruindo Sonhos (Um Início)

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