Monday, July 19, 2021


I just found out this music video and it is very awesome, even more when I saw the translation, The name of the song is Désir ( French Word that means Desire/Wish,  not be confunded with the spanish word Decir which means Say), I think the video is something related to inner beauty since "Maria" defends a monster who suffer for her loss. It is also theme of an anime that I didnt watch yet, I just remember her from Grilleto , the second open of first season of Mahouka (The Irregular at Magic School)

The band it is call Garnidelia which presents Maria as vocalist.

Here I let the link for you to watch the video from official Garnidelia Channel on youtube.

Garnidelia- Désir

click here to watch in garnidelia channel on youtube

I also leave here the link to read the lyrics in romanji and english translation 

click here to see the texts on japanese ones top lyrics blog

The lyrics talks about overcome adversities and have strength to fight by yourself.

I think this song is good for Inner Divine and also has a good melody and the singer is very good too.

Her voice is wondrous and marvelous.

Reconstruindo Sonhos (Um Início)

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