Tuesday, November 9, 2021



Hi everyone! Recently I saw an youtube video that Father Manzotti was talking about a movie and invited people to watch it.

I just watch it  and was really great!

The movie is Fatima 2020 with Joana Ribeiro as Lady of the Rosary and Stephanie Gil as Lucia.

The film is about the apparitions in Fatima to Jacinta, Lucia and Francisco.

It starts with a man visiting old Lucia to gather information for his book and as Lucia talks the film shows the scenes about the history.

Some points call my attention:

1: Although Lucia could not read she was able to pray the rosary, in other words she learned to pray by hearing the others praying not by reading the prayers in a text.

2: The children’s did not deny their faith not matter the consequences so they have strong conviction even if it means defy the authorities like their parents, priest, major or even the bishop.

3: Only the three children’s were able to see her but Francisco could not hear her because he was not praying enough. In other words all three were special and have gifts from Heaven but the lack of enough prayers was interfering with the gifts of Francisco.

4: In the movie Lucia also saw the Devil disguised as his father and congratulating her in the crowd. The other two didn’t see him, maybe because of the special situation that Lucia suffered with her mother.

5: When the virgin shows hell she said that is where the poor souls of the sinner goes. Saying like that sounds or give me an impression that she would shut down hell and rescue all the souls from there if it was up to her power because she suffer for every soul that is lost.

6: Actually as I saw the representation of hell that the film makes, I think no matter how evil a person is on Earth they don’t deserve that destiny because it is so horrible, disproportional etc. If it was up to me, I would shut down that place and put the souls in a place that it is possible to repent and became good. As prison here on human world was designed not to only to retain the transgressors and isolated them from the society but the main object of prison it is to the criminal to repent his mistakes, learn with them and after the end of his punishment (In Brazil we don’t have lifetime prison), he was able to be reintegrated to the society and change his life became an honest citizen and don’t commit more crime. So eternal condemnation in hell does not seen useful for that goal.

7: The Miracle of Sun was seeing by everyone, I think because it interfered with natural order of things, after that most people believed.

8: But the most important thing is that the Lady said the some people will never believe even when they see the face of God. That phrase sounds strange in comparison with Irresistible Grace theory that says that no one is able to deny God when they see his face and are in his presence.

9: The boy who was able to walk because he believes: I think the Lady was referring to him believe he could walk since his mother said he was already a believer ( in Virgin Mary) but he needed to start believing (that he could walk).

So the film is out and if you are interested you can watch it.

check more information about this film on imdb 

Thanks for the time you spent reading this

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