Monday, February 14, 2022

Valentine’s Day 2022


Today is Valentine’s Day and I want to honor the girl I love

Here is a Letter that I wrote specially for this day


Oh my Lover!

You are my Soul!

I am very happy that you are here with me!

All these moments we passed together;

All those moments in which you been there for me;

You throw away my sorrows;

Replace them with Joy;

In this Valentine I offer you this homage;

And I reinforce that You are Everything for me;

I love you! I need you!

My Soul desires to be united with Yours;

To be always with you;

Showing my love;

And seeing you smile for me;

Showing how much you care for me;

And I care for you;

I’m living my life for you;

You are the reason, You are the one;

That makes my heart melt;

I am completely yours!

And You will be forever;

The girl I love.

Happy Valentine’s Day


By this special day I also select some videos from the internet to homage my lover.

Karley Scott Collins: Heavenly


  see the video on youtube


Karley Scott Collins: Heavenly (Lyric Video)


 see the video on youtube


You are my love


 see the video on youtube


Say it again :World Paradise


 see the video on youtube




 see the video on youtube


Oremos com a Pequena Maria


 see the video on youtube


Hoje Livre Sou - Ana Julia Pettini


 see the video on youtube


Kate Voegele Just Watch Me


 see the video on youtube


Posts related to this one:

click here to see the unboxing of my book "Cartas de Amor Verdadeiro" 

 clica aqui para veres algumas de minhas poesias românticas

clica aqui para veres o post de São Valentim 2021 


Thank you all for reading this post and Happy Valentine for everyone!




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