Saturday, July 15, 2023

Film Recommendation (Mavka)


Mavka The Forest Song

I waited for many time to watch this movie and I really like it, it is good that Mavka is a nice character and I loved how the film developed so it was worth waiting.

So I think it is great to show us how important is the friendship and how they can save us when we are not ourselves...

The music of this film is so great and I think it can help the development of inner divine

Артем Пивоваров і Христина Соловій

Мова Вітру (OST «Мавка. Лісова пісня»)

Христина Соловій — Лісова пісня

 (OST “Мавка. Лісова пісня”)

Textos Meus do Tempo de Escola

  Olá todos vós hei recentemente encontrado uns textos meus do tempo de escola (ensino médio) bem como os vários bilhetinhos e cartinhas das...