Saturday, December 19, 2020

The Golden Forest: First Part

Do you want to see the classic portuguese tale when the characters have the virtues of inner divine without have any religion mentioned and in english? I am talking about the Golden Forest First Part , the tale of Walas , Lina and Larila.



Here is the desciption:

This book is an word by word carefully chosen translation made by the original author of a floresta dourada primeira parte, originally written in portuguese, this book follow the adventures of walas and line, through the dimensions in order to achieve their goal, arrive at the golden forest, who has the power to correct the crumble on space time that is occurring on their world, they both have a bird soul power inside of them, lina has the white one and walas the black one, and still is larila a mysterious girl who appers in the first chapter and has a extreme connection with lina, the main female character, walas has some doubts if he loves most lina or larila, but if you can understand the story, you will know that doubt is not relevant to him as lina and larila are.....


As I said, this translation is very special since I translated carefully considering word by word, it took a lot of time but i think that resulted in a awesome version:

Below the links for the book on amazon usa and uk, but remember it is available on all amazons:

see on amazon usa

see on amazon uk 

Here a small part of the book:

Chapter 1 The Beginning Of The Journey


    In a center place of city Ashley in the state of Pléia, some children were meeting up daily, to talk about their lives and dreams for the future, It was on Lara age in the year of 3034 when two teenagers meet up in the woods, one beautiful and unknown girl and a teenage boy called Walas, while walking into the woods the two start of arguing what would it be of the world if the woods cease to exist then Walas asks: - What is thy name? And the girl replied: - My name is Navila, and I am searching for someone to gather me in a travel into the golden forest. So Walas promptly agrees with Navila´s proposal and they depart to the subway that lies below the woods. Then Navila Said goodbye and tell that she will search for he in that exactly place, two years after that day.

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