Tuesday, October 26, 2021





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This book is a collection with the English translation of three spirituality book that I wrote.

Since there were not English version of them, I decided to put all three in the same book as a collection.

So this collection is composed by the following books:

1 Selection For Citizenship Of The Kingdom Of Heaven

2 Ecumenism The Ancient Truth Now Revealed

3 Response To The Challenge Of The Holy Quran: The Ten Suratas

In the first book I talk about my assumptions to the questions about why we are here on Earth, the main objective of life on Earth, in other words it is like a guide to be a good person in the shape of a selective process.

In the second book I talk about Ecumenism and the similitudes between Abrahamic religions and other belief systems and also other topics like: the Concept Of God, Concept Of Eternal And Primordial Existence, the similitudes between Angels, Gods and Saints, The Purpose Of Religions, How The Creative Force Emerged, Where Evil Came From, The Spiritual Plan, Advices Of The Eternal Creative Force Of Good, Some Explanations About Confusing Messages At First Glance...

In the third book I made my response to the challenge of Holy Quran, in other terms, I made the Ten Suratas similar to the Quran ones without recurring to Allah. Since the challenge was to forge I focused more in the quality of the teaching instead of veracity of them. So I change some complex dogmas in other more simple to understand:

As every book of spirituality the most important message is the lessons that we can learn from them.

So read the book as advices that you can agreed or disagree in parts or entirely because the most important thing about them is how they can improve your spirituality, give you peace of mind and awake the Inner Divine.


Excerpt 1:

 4: How to Prevent and Defend Yourself from Evil?


One must fill the brain with good feelings or high vibration, keep in sync (tune) with the celestial, resisting temptations or even avoiding the possibility of being tempted that occurs eliminating one of the necessary conditions for the opportunity to be tempted to occur.


 Excerpt 2:

 Do You Think I Came To Bring Peace? I Came To Bring The Sword, Son Against Father, Father Against Son (Christianity)

You Must Fight And Kill Your Brother Who Usurped The Throne (Hinduism)


These two sentences are the same, the Father and the brothers in this context are the society to which we belong, it educates us with its often wrong values, one must take the sword of holiness and fight against these wrong values, which often usurp us from our rights.


I Came To Fire The Earth And I Deeply Wish That It Burns (Christianity)

You Will Know The Truth And It Will Free You (Christianity)


The truth is the same fire, when it burns it frees the human being from the bonds of evil, so there is the commandment not to be lacking in the truth.


Die On The Cross And Resurrect Like Christ


It represents spiritual rebirth, where all evil has been dissolved.


Human Temple Of The Divine Or Divine Spark


Human beings possess the seed of evil and that of good, it is up to each one to let choose which one he wishes to flourish.


Excerpt 3:

Seventh Surata: The Kingdom Of Heaven


1 What to compare the kingdom of heaven? The kingdom of heaven is like fullness, it always expands and increases even though it is already complete, never diminishes no matter how much it is shared or divided.

2. The kingdom of heaven must be born within your hearts, for if you have it in your heart wherever you are in this life you will be in the kingdom of heaven, so it is always near, just open your hearts.

3. The Eternal Abode is the materialization of the kingdom of heaven, while this is a state of mind and inner peace, that is the materialization of this. Happy from the one who understands.

4. By disincarnating, the energy of the spiritual plane materializes the feelings that are in the heart of the disembodied soul, if it has awakened and lived the kingdom of heaven on earth, it will materialize a paradise of love that may be connected or in some cases not to the paradise of all who have awakened the kingdom on earth, to this place we give the name of Eternal Abode.


If you to see the other languages versions of the books that are in this collection you can click in the links below: 


Ecumenismo A Antiga Verdade Agora Revelada (Multilingual)  



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