Wednesday, July 7, 2021


As you know Tsubasa Chronicles is my favorite anime and a love history that I really like very much, since back when my youtube channel was to upload videos with pictures and songs I made this video and forgot to publish, today I found ut on my sd card and decided to put on the channel.

Tsubasa Chronicles is a love history between Syaoran and Sakura and as history unfolds you dicover that they love each other with the pure true love as the spirituality and most of religions aim to achive.

I also made a video before here in blog showing my dvds of this anime.

Here is the forgotten video with the song you are my love english version and wallpapers of the anime.

see on youtube


Find more about spirituality in animations on my book in the post below

about the book the anime's gospel 

Discover the videos I previously made about this theme in the link below (in portuguese)

aspectos religiosos em desenhos e programações infantis


I bought my Tsubasa Chronicles Dvds on importcds and my charcter guide on amazon uk many years ago.

Discover more anime recomendations below

the secret life of the immortal king 

vivid strike

Discover how to notice the Divine through music songs below:

perceber o divino através da musica (videos playing in computer page) 

Look the December of 2020 which I mentioned Tsubasa Chronicles and the spark of the Divine in movies, cartoons and series, and many other recomendations.

centelha divina in films, series and cartoons (videos playing in computer page)


obs. By videos playing in computer page, I meant that as the posts are old I didn't put youtube link below since at that time I didnt knew that the videos didnt appear on mobile site in chrome, since I use a computer since the beginning of blog, I start to put the links see on youtube after people alert me of that.

Thanks for the time and may the Inner Divine be always with you.

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