Monday, July 5, 2021


I think many of you, have know for long time the biblical version of Jesus, but in 1945 was found the Nag Hammadi library, known by gnostic bible, it tells a different history, a version that if you read paying attention it shows many advanced concepts for the time they are written almost if they were written for us in this time, besides the texts shows influences of pantheism of Tao and also platonism and many other non abrahamic religions, so it shows many knowledge and it sound strange that the apostles had that knowledge, it more probably written by people who had much study etc...


Here I put the link to the documentary about this Jesus Nag Hammadi on youtube, the documentary also talks about Jesus in India.

see on youtube


But if you want to watch biblical version of jesus, you can watch for free the Jesus series on raiplay (in italian language)

guarda la serie gesù di nazareth su raiplay 

You can also download nag hammadi scriptures from academia, just search for "i codici di nag hammadi"

At time of this post I found this link

i codici di nag hammadi on academia


If you want a free new testament there are many options on the internet just type things like "recevoir un nouveau testament", "richiedi un nuovo testamento", "request a new testament" etc on the search engines like google, duckduckgo...

As I said before, you are free to choose what you want to believe, the biblical one, the nag hammadi one or even no one, or even another thing.

The important is that you have peace in your heart, be kind and respectful to the others and that you don't be opressed by your faith.

Because faith is a tool to grow up spirituality, not to judge the other neither condemned them, but understand and respect them no matter what they believe...


For people who does not know a few years later were found another collection of "scriptures" the qumran, or the essenian bible who has a "genesis" starting many time before the earth was created and it is more well develloped the cause of the fall of the angels and also about adam and eve and caim and abel. 

I've made a book of prayers to Jesus as you can see by clicking in the links below

click here to see the post about the book "Colectânea de orações à Jesus"

click here to see the post about the book that contais the translations of the history that is within the book of prayers to jesus 

click here to see the post about unboxing books including the one about jesus

click here to see the post about the book "Collection de prières a l'esprit saint" 

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