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This book contains the English version of the book “Le Ali dell’Uccello Nero” that is a spin-off of the history “The Golden Forest”, plus English version contains also the original Portuguese version revised with more divided paragraphs that makes more easy to read, also contains the topic about the spin-off that has some modifications if compared to the one of the book in Italian-French.
That is because now the second part of The Golden Forest has already been released and the History of Lina, Larila and Walas had arrived at the Final, so I thought that now was the time to release this spin-off in the languages that the main saga was originally released, so here it is.
Ah, and this book also contains Spanish version of the spin-off that I call prequel since I wrote it before the first book of main saga and “The Golden Forest” was developed to better situate this spin-off in a coherent world.
This is a parallel story to the golden forest, with emphasis on the characters Walas and the mysterious girl Larila, showing how Larila acquired the powers and especially the reason Walas was the black bird, being the feather (wing) that Larila gave him, although he thought it was a dream, everything was real, Larila just used his power to make Walas think that way.
In the Golden Forest second part in its final chapter is resumed part of the dialogue of this spin-off, as well the book explained better the issue of Larila /Lina.
It is worth remembering that the spin-off was written before the main saga, so it can be considered a prequel, I am publishing it in English, Portuguese and Spanish given the receptivity of the main story and also the fact that the main story is already available in Italian (in a single volume, the full saga).
At that moment appears in the book some symbols that
mean “this book belongs to Miss Larila.” Walas thinks a little and says:
- Quickly Larila, read what it says!
And she says: "-This book belongs to Miss Larila!
At the same moment appears the content of the book
which reveals something surprising.
At the end of reading the contents of the book she
explains to Walas that Galia is situated in the same place as the Country of
Galic, that is why she can feel the bird, however to get there is necessary to
use the black book in the shape of a feather and there must be a way to use the
book since here, it is not enough to find its position in our world but the
original book that is currently on the other side.
Em um lado do país gálico situa-se a livraria ala,
cujo dono é o senhor plácido, certo dia um estranho visitante aparece e
pergunta se há um livro negro em formato de pluma a qual pertence à Gália.
Ao tocar o livro algo estranho ocorre: o livro
desvanece-se no ar e assim o senhor plácido comunica ao visitante que não possuía
o livro e retorna à sua vida normal.
Ocorre que o fato fora presenciado por sua filha
Larila o que mudaria permanentemente a sua vida.
Passados sete anos, senhor plácido vem a falecer
deixando Larila como dona da loja, ela então demonstra algo inusitado, ela pode
sentir alguém com ela, mas sabe não estar ali, nesse momento chega à loja um
visitante de cabelos longos e pretos que ao encontrar Larila diz:
-Encontrei aquilo que eu buscava!
Luego entrega la llave a Larila sin mencionar lo que
sucedió en el museo. Ella mira la llave, se sostiene firmemente, y siente algo
que la impulsa para que recita una determinada frase y finalmente al recitarla
viene una puerta y Walas camina junto a ella que repite la frase dicha anteriormente
por la extraña señorita añadiendo la invocación de la llave:
-En mi nombre esta puerta se abrirá y en su
presencia mostrará lo que es necesario para la Larila vendrá! ¡Esta llave
pertenece ahora a Larila que la guiará hasta el portal de la Galia!
Walas toma la mano de Larila y entra en el portal,
de repente una sorpresa: Walas se encuentra en el museo de Asdes pero Larila no
está con él, ella está en el país Gálico y ve la librería ala abierta y luego
lleva una cubierta que cubre la cara entra en la librería y al ver al señor
plácido hace la siguiente pregunta :
- ¿Has un libro en forma de pluma negra que
pertenezca a la Galia?
To see this book in Italian-French click the link below
Le Ali dell'uccello nero post
To see the main history just click the links below
blog results of the golden forest
resultados do blog para a floresta dourada
el bosque dorado post
la foresta dorata post
see the video unboxing paperback of the golden forest second part on this post
neste link podes ver o unboxing de la foreta dorata saga completa e a floresta dourada parte segunda portugues-espanhol
If you want to see all the videos of me unboxing the paperbacks and other things about my books you can check my playlist on youtube
click here to see the playlist william menezes freitas livros on youtube
click here to see the video which I present myself
If you are studying languages you can check the links below
tips to language learning playlist
projeto aprende idiomas com livros playlist
projeto aprende idiomas com musica playlist
If you want to see an old style video on my channel you can check the link below to see a video made with song and pics
you are my love tsubasa chronicles video edit